Leporini B, Palmucci E
Touch-screen Screen reader Serious games
Serious games are increasingly used for supporting education and many other activities via entertainment. Unfortunately, they are not accessible to visually-impaired people who have a very limited selection for games, especially in the mobile context. Usually they can rely just on specified games. Our aim is investigating how to overcome this gap for visually-impaired people. To this end, in this work a mobile educational game accessible also via screen reader on a touch-screen is presented. Through the app we investigated: (1) a gesture-based interaction modality to perform exercises on a touch-screen when a screen reader is running; (2) an equal opportunity in enjoying perception also by those cannot see the user interface. A pilot test confirmed a positive impact of the first prototype on the end-users.
@inproceedings{oai:it.cnr:prodotti:384263, title = {A mobile educational game accessible to all, including screen reading users on a touch-screen device}, author = {Leporini B and Palmucci E}, doi = {10.1145/3136907.3136941}, year = {2017} }