Conference article Other Journal article Contribution to book Software Book Contribution to conference Contribution to journal Dataset Patent Total
Total 3460 3365 2387 570 425 256 120 37 23 20
Artificial Intelligence for Media and Humanities (2021-ongoing) 81 34 74 2 15 5 1 - 2 - 214
Creative Virtual Systems (2002-2008) 1 4 3 4 1 - - - - - 13
Dependable Computing (2002-2011) 29 41 13 7 - 1 2 - - - 93
Domotics (2002-2016) 9 36 9 1 2 1 - - - - 58
Formal Methods and Tools (2002-ongoing) 358 233 181 75 37 64 6 1 - - 955
High Performance Computing (2002-ongoing) 400 136 161 59 2 19 12 1 3 5 798
Human Interfaces in Information Systems (2002-ongoing) 213 44 80 36 28 3 4 2 - 2 412
Information Systems Technology (2002-2016) 48 13 2 - 2 - 7 2 - - 74
Infrastructures for Science (2021-ongoing) 34 118 54 3 18 7 3 - 7 - 244
Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (2002-ongoing) 270 108 186 62 13 4 1 - 2 - 646
Mechanics of Materials and Structures (2002-ongoing) 57 70 67 7 6 3 8 - 2 - 220
Networked Multimedia Information System (2002-2020) 608 870 360 106 185 69 24 6 4 - 2232
Servizi Internet (2002-ongoing) 4 4 - - 1 - - - - - 9
Signals and Images (2002-ongoing) 438 672 506 67 28 41 25 20 3 8 1808
Software Engineering & Dependable Computing (2012-ongoing) 150 44 69 22 12 3 1 - - - 301
Software Engineering (2002-2011) 85 48 24 9 6 5 - - - - 177
Space Flight Dynamics (2002-ongoing) 125 248 117 11 - 4 11 2 - - 518
System and Software Evaluation (2002-ongoing) 79 71 26 9 12 4 1 - - - 202
Visual Computing (2002-ongoing) 216 71 224 43 31 15 5 - - 3 608
Wireless Networks (2002-ongoing) 218 464 223 45 25 7 1 3 - 2 988
World Wide Web Consortium (2002-2009) 37 36 8 2 1 1 8 - - - 93