Conference article  Restricted

E-government services: Quality Assurance of the Italian Certified Electronic Mail

Buzzi M, Gennai F, Petrucci C, Vinciarelli A

Posta Elettronica Certificata 

The Internet has revolutionized our society profoundly. Efficiency, reliability, transparency and simplification of processes are keywords of the new eSociety. In particular, eGovernment services have simplified the interaction of citizens with local and central Government. Of these Internet services, email-based communications are central due their simplicity of use. Since 2005 Italy has acknowledged the legal validity of Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) systems. The solution adopted by the Italian Government enhances usability while assuring server-to-server security and interoperability. In this paper we focus on the quality of PEC service. First, motivation for the introduction of certified email is briefly discussed. Next, we present the interoperability test, carried out cyclically for verifying and ensuring the high quality of PEC service. Last, future steps are proposed for sharing, enhancing and reshaping PEC together with the international scientific community, to assure worldwide interoperability and enhance its diffusion

Publisher: Blue Herons

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BibTeX entry
	title = {E-government services: Quality Assurance of the Italian Certified Electronic Mail},
	author = {Buzzi M and Gennai F and Petrucci C and Vinciarelli A},
	publisher = {Blue Herons},
	year = {2012}