Journal article  Restricted

PHOG: Photometric and Geometric Functions for Textured Shape Retrieval

Biasotti S, Cerri A, Giorgi D, Spagnuolo M

Shape analysis and synthesis  Geometry and topology representations 

In this paper we target the problem of textured 3D object retrieval. As a first contribution, we show how to include photometric information in the persistence homology setting, also proposing a novel theoretical result about multidimensional persistence spaces. As a second contribution, we introduce a generalization of the integral geodesic distance which fuses shape and color properties. Finally, we adopt a purely geometric description based on the selection of geometric functions that are mutually independent. The photometric, hybrid and geometric descriptions are combined into a signature, whose performance is tested on a benchmark dataset.

Source: COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM (PRINT), vol. 32 (issue 5), pp. 13-22

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BibTeX entry
	title = {PHOG: Photometric and Geometric Functions for Textured Shape Retrieval},
	author = {Biasotti S and Cerri A and Giorgi D and Spagnuolo M},
	year = {2013}