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2007 Conference article Restricted
Source separation in images via MRFs with variational approximation
Kayabol K, Kuruoglu E E, Sankur B
The problem of source separation in two dimensions is studied in this paper. The problem is formulated in the Bayesian framework. The sources are modelled as MRFs to accommodate for the spatially correlated structure of the sources, which we exploit for separation in 2D. The difficulty of working analytically with general Gibbs distributions is overcome by using an approximate density. In this work, the Gibbs distribution is modelled by the product of directional Gaussians. The sources are estimated by Maximuma- Posteriori estimation using the approximate density as the prior. At each iteration of the MAP estimation, an annealing schedule is used for approximate density. This annealing schedule aids the algorithm to converge the global extremum. The mixing matrix is found by Maximum Likelihood estimation.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2007 Conference article Metadata Only Access
XModel-Based Testing of XSLT Applications
Bertolino A, Gao J, Marchetti E, Polini A
Model-based testing is nowadays the emerging paradigm for software testing in many domains. In the Web arena XML Schema is becoming the technology of reference to describe data structure and applications input domains. The proposed tool (TAXI - Testing by Automatically generated XML Instances) exploits such a model to automatically derive correct XML instances applying the well-known Category-partition methodology. In this paper we introduce an improvement of TAXI to test XSLT Stylesheets. Indeed, with XSLT Stylesheets increasingly getting larger and more complex, their correctness becomes a crucial factor for software quality and hence we believe that they need careful validation. Two different case studies illustrate the approach to the validation of XML to XML and XML to XHTML transformations.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | webist.org Restricted

2012 Conference article Open Access OPEN
Effetti dell'inquinamento atmosferico urbano su sintomi e funzione respiratoria
Bucchieri S, Cibella F, Cuttitta G, Della Maggiore R, Melis Mr, La Grutta S, Nuvolone D, Viegi G

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | www.aiponet.it Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2012 Conference article Restricted
E-government services: Quality Assurance of the Italian Certified Electronic Mail
Buzzi M, Gennai F, Petrucci C, Vinciarelli A
The Internet has revolutionized our society profoundly. Efficiency, reliability, transparency and simplification of processes are keywords of the new eSociety. In particular, eGovernment services have simplified the interaction of citizens with local and central Government. Of these Internet services, email-based communications are central due their simplicity of use. Since 2005 Italy has acknowledged the legal validity of Certified Electronic Mail (PEC) systems. The solution adopted by the Italian Government enhances usability while assuring server-to-server security and interoperability. In this paper we focus on the quality of PEC service. First, motivation for the introduction of certified email is briefly discussed. Next, we present the interoperability test, carried out cyclically for verifying and ensuring the high quality of PEC service. Last, future steps are proposed for sharing, enhancing and reshaping PEC together with the international scientific community, to assure worldwide interoperability and enhance its diffusion

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2001 Other Open Access OPEN
Manuale d'uso del geo-data server e del sito internet (vers. agg.)
Ciardelli R, Cresci G, Lari D, Trentanni G
Rapporto tecnico nell'ambito della prestazione per conto dell'Autorità di bacino del fiume Arno. Questo documento descrive le modalità di funzionamento del Geo-Data Server e del sito Internet dell'Autorità di Bacino del fiume Arno, realizzati nell'ambito del contratto di collaborazione tra CNUCE e Autorità stessa avente per oggetto: "Ampliamento della base informativa e fornitura di strumenti per l'accesso automatico ai dati via Internet". Le considerazioni raccolte di seguito sono relative allo strumento per l'accesso automatico ai dati via Internet citato dal titolo del contratto e ne descrivono le modalità d'uso. Questo documento è specificamente destinato alla consultazione da parte degli utenti. Le istruzioni specifiche per l'uso del Geo-Data Server e del sito Internet che figurano in questo manuale sono anche disponibili in linea sul sito stesso, tramite l'apposito bottone di Help della barra degli strumenti visualizzata in tutte le pagine del Geo-Data Server. Per avere un'informazione completa del funzionamento dello strumento di diffusione dei dati via Internet è necessario prendere visione anche dell'altro documento "Architettura del Geo-Data Server" pure redatto nell'ambito delle attività contrattuali citate, che descrive gli aspetti interni di organizzazione dei dati e dei programmi e che è indirizzato ai tecnici che dovranno mantenere l'applicazione.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2006 Other Open Access OPEN
SENSORIA - D3.3A - An Overview of Techniques for Behavioural Properties
Caires L, Zawbocki A, Corradini A, Mazzanti F, Loreti M, Nielson H R
The main goal of WP3 is to coordinate the partners efforts towards the development of qualitative analysis methods for global services. In particular, this deliverable reports on the research activity carried on during the first 12 months by the SENSORIA partners in the advancement of the state of art for a wide spectrum of techniques suitable for the description and analysis of the behavioral properties of services. Twelve original contributions have emerged as result of this research activity. In the following sections of this document an overview is given of the performed activity and the results are described with a limited level of technical details . The full details of the contributions can be found in the twelve papers mentioned in the final "Relevant Sensoria Publications and Reports" Section.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2009 Book Open Access OPEN
Proceedings Fourth European Young Researchers Workshop on Service Oriented Computing (YR-SOC 2009)
Ter Beek M H
Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) is an emerging new paradigm for distributed and object-oriented computing by allowing autonomous, platform-independent computational entities (called services) to be built (described, discovered, composed, orchestrated) within and across organizational boundaries. Like no other computing paradigm before, SOC is destined to exert a lasting influence on the business domain, among others (e-commerce, e-government, e-business, e-learning, e-health, etc.). The Young Researchers workshop series on Service-Oriented Computing is meant to be a platform for junior researchers from industry and academics alike. Its core objectives are to exchange information regarding advancements in the state of the art and practice of SOC, as well as to identify emerging research topics and the future trends in this domain. Following the success of the previous three workshops, the 4th European Young Researchers Workshop on Service-Oriented Computing (YR-SOC 2009) introduced two novelties: it was organised outside of the UK and it saw the introduction of a number of tutorials, thus making the workshop a 3-day event. YR-SOC 2009 took place at the CNR Institute of Information Science and Technologies in Pisa, Italy, and was organised by Maurice ter Beek, Barry Norton, Stephan Reiff-Marganiec and Monika Solanki. The contributions in this volume cover aspects such as automated service composition, context-aware SOC, service-oriented programming, QoS-aware SOC, service-oriented architectures, SOC modelling and analysis, process management, web services, ontologies and the semantic web.

See at: arxiv.org Open Access | CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

2011 Book Restricted
Preface of the Proceedings Ninth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages
Massink M, Norman G
This volume contains the proceedings of the Ninth Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages (QAPL 2011), held in Saarbrücken, Germany, April 1-3, 2011. QAPL 2011 is a satellite event of the European Joint Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software (ETAPS 2011).Source: ELECTRONIC PROCEEDINGS IN THEORETICAL COMPUTER SCIENCE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | rvg.web.cse.unsw.edu.au Restricted

2011 Other Restricted
SatNEx III - FR "Final report"
De Cola T, Bisio I, Davoli F, Cello M, Ferro E, Celandroni N, Gotta A, Cruikshank H, Caini C, Firrincieli R, Roseti C
The aim of FR (Final Report) is to exhaustively report the achievements and the main findings of Task 3 activity, by taking as reference what already reported in TNs 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.4. Being the aforementioned documents already focusing on some aspects of the overall activity, this document attempts to highlight the main points related to the application of DTN in satellite-based environments, in terms of suitable scenarios, emulation campaigns, and final recommendations. As not all aspects are dealt with the same detail in this report, the interested reader is kindly requested to refer the material available in the related deliverables.Project(s): Satellite Communications Network of Excellence

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2012 Other Restricted
universAAL - AAL Reference architecture requirements
Girolami M, Furfari F, Palumbo F, Stocklöw C
Deliverable 1.2 defines and presents the universAAL Reference Architecture Requirements and the process of requirements collection and consolidation. In universAAL, reference architecture requirements drive the development of universAAL's reference and concrete architecture that are described and defined in D1.3 "universAAL Reference Architecture". Requirements act as the central point of reference in software development like a contract between the involved parties. In essence, they capture the functional and non-functional expectations from the tar- get system, on one side, and the general concerns of users and stakeholders that deal with the system, on the other side. Hence, requirements glue the concerns defined by users to the target system that is implemented by the developers. As a consequence, at the very end of software development, the success of a software system or application is measured according to its compliance to the requirements. The universAAL consortium has agreed on using the ARCADE architecture development framework1 to guide development of the universAAL reference architecture in WP1. Developing the architecture according to the ARCADE approach enhances architectural consistency, enables integration of other systems and ensures that concerns and requirements of stakeholders are properly acknowledged. Considering the ARCADE method, this deliverable will present the Requirements View on the universal architecture. ARCADE's Requirement Viewpoint specifies two models for identifying and specifying requirements: the Requirement Model and the Target System Interface Model. Consequently, D1.2 specifies these two models.Project(s): UNIVERSAAL via OpenAIRE

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2012 Book Restricted
Preface to iFM&ABZ 2012
Derrick J, Fitzgerald J, Gnesi S, Khurshid S, Leuschel M, Reeves S, Riccobene E
Preface to iFM&ABZ 2012 iFM 2012, the 9th International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods, and ABZ 2012, the Third International Conference on Abstract State Machines, Alloy, B, VDM, and Z, joined together in a single event, iFM&ABZ 2012, to celebrate Egon B ̈orger's 65th birthday and his contribution to state-based formal methods. This co-location of iFM&ABZ 2012 was hosted by the Institute of Scienza e Tecnologie dell'Informazione A. Faedo of the National Research Council (ISTICNR) of Italy and took place at the Area della Ricerca del CNR in Pisa during June 18-21, 2012. We would like to thank everyone in Pisa for making us feel very welcome during our time there. It was a pleasure to run an event to honor Egon. Professor Egon B ̈orger was born in Bad Laer, Lower Saxony, Germany. Between 1965 and 1971 he studied at the Sorbonne, Paris (France), Universit ́e Catholique de Louvain and Institut Sup ́erieur de Philosophie de Louvain (in Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium), and the University of M ̈unster (Germany). Since 1985 he has held a Chair in Computer Science at the University of Pisa, Italy. In September 2010 he was elected a member of the Academia Europaea. Throughout his work he has been a pioneer of applying logical methods in computer science. Particularly notable is his contribution as one of the founders of the Abstract State Machine (ASM) method. Egon B ̈orger has been cofounder and Managing Director of the Abstract State Machines Research Center (see www.asmcenter.org). Building on his work on ASM, he was a cofounder of the series of international ASM workshops, which was part of this year's conference held under the ABZ banner. He contributed to the theoretical foundations of the method and initiated its industrial applications in a variety of fields, in particular programming languages, system architecture, requirements and software (re-)engineering, control systems, protocols, and Web services. In 2007, he received the Humboldt Research Award. He has been coauthor of several books and over 150 research papers, and organizer of over 30 international conferences, workshops, and schools in logic and computer science. As one can see, his influence has been broad as well as deep. It is an influence that one sees in all of the notations covered in the ABZ conference, as well as in the iFM event and the various integrations and combinations of formal methods seen there. Neither iFM nor ABZ have been here before, and it is thus especially fitting that we hold such an event in Pisa, where Egon has held a chair for many years.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | link.springer.com Restricted

2011 Other Open Access OPEN
Joint Bayesian separation and restoration of CMB from convolutional mixtures
Kayabol Koray, Sanz Jose Luis, Herranz Diego, Kuruoglu Ercan Engin, Salerno Emanuele
We propose a Bayesian approach to joint source separation and restoration for astrophysical diff use sources. We constitute a prior statistical model for the source images by using their gradient maps. We assume a t-distribution for the gradient maps in di fferent directions, because it is able to fit both smooth and sparse data. A Monte Carlo technique, called Langevin sampler, is used to estimate the source images and all the model parameters are estimated by using deterministic techniques.

See at: ISTI Repository Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2006 Software Metadata Only Access
Cignoni P
Metro: strumento per il confronto geometrico di superfici triangolate basato sulla misura di Hausdorff. Il sistema è diventato lo strumento di riferimento, da quasi dieci anni, nell'ambito della comunità scientifica internazionale. Metro, aggiornato regolarmente, è attualmente utilizzato praticamente da tutti i maggiori centri di ricerca nel mondo per valutare in modo oggettivo la differenza tra due superfici triangolate. Più di 350 articoli scientifici ne citano esplicitamente il suo utilizzo. Sorgente e binari sono distribuiti liberamente sotto licenza GPL.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

2007 Other Metadata Only Access
Software Process Assessment and Improvement in Automotive
Fabbrini F, Fusani M, Lami G, Coco A, Edoardo Sivera
Determinazione e miglioramento del livello di capacità dei fornitori software (questa attività include il monitoraggio di progetti software tramite Software Process Assessment e valutazione di workproduct intermedi).

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

1998 Journal article Metadata Only Access
Un sistema per l'analisi della cinematica di cellule germinali
Azzarelli Luciano, Chimenti Massimo, Minutoli Salvatore, Salvetti Ovidio, Baccetti Baccio, Renieri Tommaso

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted

1996 Other Open Access OPEN
ARCA Dictionary Schema Document
Catoni A, Giuliano S, Loffredo M, Signore O
This report presents the detailed description of the Dictionary component of the ARCA Target system. In particular, the document makes clear how the Z39.50 V3 Explain facility is implemented by using the Dictionary information.

See at: CNR IRIS Open Access | CNR IRIS Restricted

1998 Conference article Restricted
The ERCIM technical reference digital library
Biagioni S, Borbinha Jl, Ferber R, Hansen P, Kapidakis S, Kovacs L, Roos F, Vercoustre Am
Within the context of the DELOS1 Working Group, eight institutions of the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) are currently collaborating on the installation of an ERCIM Technical Reference Digital Library (ETRDL). The aim is to implement and test a prototype infrastructure for networked access to a distributed multi-format collection of technical documents produced by ERCIM members. The collection is managed by a set of interoperating servers, based on the Dienst system developed by a US consortium led by Cornell University and adopted by NCSTRL (Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library). Pilot server sites have already been set up at half of the 14 ERCIM national labs. Servers are expected to be installed at the other centres soon. The aim is to assist ERCIM scientists to make their research results immediately available world-wide and provide them with appropriate on-line facilities to access the technical documentation of others working in the same field. Public access to this reference service is provided through Internet.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | www.springerlink.com Restricted

2010 Conference article Restricted
A Scalable Fluid Flow Process Algebraic Approach to Emergency Egress Analysis
Massink M, Latella D, Bracciali A, Harrison M
Pervasive environments offer an increasing number of services to a large number of people moving within these environments including timely information about where to go and when. People using these services interact with the system but they are also meeting other people and performing other activities as relevant opportunities arise. The design of such systems and the analysis of collective dynamic behaviour of people within them is a challenging problem. In previous work we have successfully explored a scalable analysis of stochastic process algebraic models of smart signage systems. In this paper we focus on the validation of a representative example of this class of models in the context of emergency egress. This context has the advantage that detailed data is available from studies with alternative analysis methods. A second aim is to show how realistic human behaviour, often observed in emergency egress, can be embedded in the model and how the effect of this behaviour on building evacuation can be analysed in an efficient and scalable way.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2014 Other Restricted
ZigBee device service specification. V. 51.
Bottaro A, Rinquin A, Poutcheu J, Blache F, Demottie C, Chazalet A, Grigorov E, Portinaro N, Lenzi S
This specification defines the Java API to discover, control and implement ZigBee devices on the OSGi platform and according to OSGi service design patterns. This API maps the representation of ZigBee entities defined by ZigBee Cluster Library into Java classes. OSGi service design patterns are used on the one hand for dynamic discovery, control and eventing of local and networked devices and on the other hand for dynamic network advertising and control of local OSGi services implementing this API.

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted

2013 Journal article Restricted
PHOG: Photometric and Geometric Functions for Textured Shape Retrieval
Biasotti S, Cerri A, Giorgi D, Spagnuolo M
In this paper we target the problem of textured 3D object retrieval. As a first contribution, we show how to include photometric information in the persistence homology setting, also proposing a novel theoretical result about multidimensional persistence spaces. As a second contribution, we introduce a generalization of the integral geodesic distance which fuses shape and color properties. Finally, we adopt a purely geometric description based on the selection of geometric functions that are mutually independent. The photometric, hybrid and geometric descriptions are combined into a signature, whose performance is tested on a benchmark dataset.Source: COMPUTER GRAPHICS FORUM (PRINT), vol. 32 (issue 5), pp. 13-22

See at: CNR IRIS Restricted | CNR IRIS Restricted | onlinelibrary.wiley.com Restricted